We understand and share your concern about how personal information is collected, used and shared. We are committed to supporting the National Privacy Principles and our procedures relating to personal information are designed to ensure that you are fully protected under Australian privacy laws.

Kindly note that when using Rams Real Estate website or by registering with us, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, but only in accordance with this Privacy Policy which directs that such information is handled sensitively, securely, and in accordance with the National Privacy Principles. See appendix A.

What personal information do we collect?

We collect personal information when you send us emails, submit queries to us, through our website. This is so that we can reply to your queries or requests for service.

Likewise, we collect personal information such as your name, email address, and telephone number in addition to details of the types of properties you are interested in possibly purchasing or leasing.

What other information do we collect?
When browsing or searching our site, our server automatically collects navigational data to help us improve our website content and navigation. One way which navigational data is collected is by placing "cookies" in your browser file on your hard drive. Cookies do not capture or track any personal information and cannot identify you as an individual. If you wish, you may elect to not accept cookies on your browser. This should not adversely affect your experience when visiting the site. A cookie is a small amount of information that is transferred to your browser by a web server. The server that gives it to you can only read it again. It serves as a memory for you and can remember such details as your favourite search criteria so you do not have to enter the same information every time you come to the website.

How will information collected on this site be used?
So that we can effectively assist your use of the site, we will use your personal information to provide our services and reply to your queries or requests for service.
Information about the kinds of properties you are interested in and inquire about may also be combined with other users' information to generate statistics about the types of properties that people are searching for.
Navigational data

We may use your navigational information by combining it with the navigational information we collect about other users. Please note these results do not identify any individual, instead they give us aggregated results about the usage of the site. By doing this, we are able to improve the look and feel of our site, the content and navigation, and improve the services we provide to you.

Will personal information about me be given to anyone else?
Where it is necessary for law enforcement purposes or where we believe there is a threat to a person's safety or health, we may need to disclose your personal information to third parties as required by law.
Our site from time to time may contain links to other websites. Please note that these websites may have a different privacy policy to ours, and you should check their policy on those sites.

How do we keep your information safe?
We understand that security of personal information is paramount and we endeavour to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold in our servers is not subject to loss, misuse or unauthorised access or alteration. We also endeavour to take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer required. Sometimes information can never be completely destroyed due to technical or accounting requirements, and also in some cases legal responsibilities that will require us to retain some information.

Can I access personal information held about me?
If you ever wish to know what, if any, personal information we hold about you, or you wish to correct any personal information we may hold about you, you may access and correct such information by contacting us via the details provided below.
How often should you check this privacy policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time, so you may like to check it each time you visit the site.

Appendix A.
The Act (Federal Privacy Act 2001) sets out the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) that are the ten basic privacy standards for which
organisations must comply in order to protect personal information.

A brief summary of the NPPs are as follows:

Collection (NPP1)
Collection of personal information must be fair, lawful and unobtrusive and necessary for the organisation’s
functions. You must advise the person of the organisation’s name, the purpose for collection, any other
organisations to whom it may be disclosed, and that they can get access to their personal information and
what happens if they do not give the information.

Use & Disclosure (NPP 2)
An organisation may only use or disclose the information for the purpose it was collected (primary purpose)
unless the person has consented, or the secondary purpose is related to the primary purpose and the person would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. Direct marketing may be used in specified circumstances but certain rules apply - where you have the opportunity to get consent, you should do so. The marketing material should advise that the person may request not to receive the material and it should set out the contact details of the firm. Personal information may be disclosed when it relates to law enforcement or for health and safety.

Data Quality (NPP3)
An organisation must take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information it collects, uses or
discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Data Security (NPP4)
An organisation must take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

Openness (NPP5)
An organisation must have a policy document outlining its information handling practices and make this
available to anyone who requests it.

Access & Correction (NPP6)
Generally speaking, an organisation must give an individual access to personal information it holds about
that individual on request. Exceptions apply, such as where this would pose a serious threat to life or health, is vexatious, or impacts on another person’s privacy, where there are legal proceedings, or it is prejudicial to a police investigation, etc. Reasonable steps must be taken to correct information.

Identifiers (NPP7)
Generally speaking an organisation must not adopt, use or disclose, an identifier that has been assigned by
a Commonwealth government ‘agency’, for example, social security numbers. An ABN is exempted.

Anonymity (NPP8)
Organisations must give people the option to interact anonymously whenever it is lawful and practicable to
do so.

Trans-border Data Flow (NPP9)
An organisation can only transfer personal information to a recipient in a foreign country in circumstances
where the information will have appropriate protection such as similar privacy legislation, or with consent.

Sensitive Information (NPP10)
An organisation must not collect sensitive information unless the person has consented, or it is required by
law or in special circumstances, for example, to a health service or for public health or safety.
(Note: For further information on the National Privacy Principles go to the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s
website: www.privacy.gov.au)